Thursday, January 8, 2009

Big Bird Days

Hey Everyone, just giving a little update on Mary.

She's still fighting the good fight, she's staying very positive about the whole situation and is still finding the humor :]

And what's with the title of this blog entry? Well due to the jaundice caused by this terrible disease, her skin has become yellow-ish, and some days are better than others. On her really yellow days, she says she's having a big bird day. I guess it doesnt help that she has little chicken arms now ;]

She also has really enjoyed the visitors that have stopped by the past couple days, and really has had a few good laughs as well. And great thanks goes out to Mrs. Sakal [Slagle] for giving my mom the haircut she's been craving since she went into the hospital! Now, I don't want to sound pushy or anything, but if you do choose to come visit with Mary, please try to keep the visit to about 30-45 minutes due to she gets worn out easily these days, and really can't sit up for long periods of time. Thank you in advance :]

And thank you times a million to everyone who has brought us meals, and thank you times a gazillion to you all for still keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. It truly means so much to all of us crazies on 98th Place :]



  1. Thanks Nicole for keeping us updated! MAry, I've been thinking about you EVERYDAY!!! I will bring a meal soon....have to get to the store. How does lasagna sound? I will call before bringing it over. Keeping you in my thoughts.......

  2. Thanks for all the updates. I hope the dinner worked out ok for everyone. I was hoping to stop in for a quick hello, but I totally understand that you need to rest as much as possible. Mary, you should give Patrick Swayze a call, he said on TV last night that he has to keep his plumbing working to keep the yellow away. He could tell you what works for him, as he looked pretty good. He might be able to give you some Dirty Dancing tips, too. We will keep you in our prayers!

  3. Nicole,
    Thanks so MUCH for helping take care of your mom and keeping us updated. It brings peace of mind.

    You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers here at Meadow Lane. We miss your sense of humor here and hope that you are doing well. Let us know if there is anything else we can do :)

    Jackie U.

  4. Hey Mary,

    Bulletion boards just aren't the same here at Meadow Lane and lunch is "way" boring without you (Mark only has me to make fun of and that's too easy). Miss you alot and I am thinking about you and praying for you constantly. Let me know if you need anything. Keep Smiling!!(it's the only way we can tell us from them)!


    Nancy C.
